Thursday 17 March 2016

Joy Miketzuk - From the Small Town to the Big City

Migrating across the state borders is something that many Americans will experience during their lifetimes and is something acknowledged as being one of the greatest things about the United States. The wealth of land and diversity of people is unlike anywhere else in the world and Americans are taking advantage of this more and more each day as the travel industry grows and prices drop. The success stories, however, differ greatly. It is not uncommon to hear about those who go running home due to the level of change, or of those who feel out of place in their new location. The subject of this article, Joy Miketzuk, is not one of the latter individuals. She has succeeded in the quest for taking her skills across the United States and has set an example for others trying to do the same thing.

Joy Miketzuk now lives in New York City where she is on course for a successful and enriching career in teaching. She loves everything about the city; its inhabitants, its many unique stores, and so on - but how did she get there? Joy Miketzuk was born in New Jersey to a regular, working family with good friends and all the amenities of a modest American town. She enjoyed her time growing up there and she continues to speak fondly of it today. She was able to make the most of her time there by attending the William Paterson University. At this institution Joy Miketzuk began to make her reputation as a name to watched in the small town as her grades excelled and she won the respect of her tutors. The success she experienced in education drove her to go further and to do what many other American travelers have done; to move city.

Joy Miketzuk found herself in New York City where she continued to work with the same dedicated spirit that had been raised in her from the start. Soon enough she was accepted into the New York City Teaching Fellows where she now carries good official stature as an educator. She made it her mission to educate the citizens around her and to look to children as those who carry the future in them. As a respected teacher Joy Miketzuk now can look back on her past and see the lengths she has traveled winding back behind her. She has come a long way, but the lesson she gives us is not to let that fact get to our heads. Though her travels were vast, Joy Miketzuk continues to look onwards into the future.

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